Education Intern

Thimbleberry Collaborative Farm | Boring, OR

Posted Date 9/05/2024

Thimbleberry Collaborative Farm (TCF) is a nonprofit, educational farm located about 45 min outside of Portland, Oregon. Our mission is to advance individual, community, and environmental health in East Multnomah County by providing access to healthy, local produce; access to land; educational programs; and community-led events. In 2023, we distributed over 10,000 lbs of produce to those experiencing food insecurity, both through donations to local food pantries and through a farm-to-table partnership with Wallace and Milk Crate Kitchen. Our educational programs include field trips with local schools and workshops, which are offered on a sliding scale fee system and are open to everyone in the community. All educational programs focus on growing and cooking with seasonal produce, and on the social, environmental, and health impacts of our food system, and what we can do to improve it.


The Education Intern will assist the Education Programs Manager in planning, preparing for, and hosting workshops, field trips and our educational booth at the weekly farmers market. The Education Intern will learn about developing curricula and lesson plans, planning for accessibility, tailoring educational content to people of all ages, making learning fun and experiential, and program/ impact evaluation. They will, of course, learn more about growing and cooking with seasonal produce and food systems issues, too. Through working in the learning garden, the Education Intern will also learn about organic and regenerative growing methods including low/ no-till farming, drip irrigation, composting, and attracting beneficial organisms. As a small, young organization, everyone helps each other whenever possible. Therefore, the Education Intern may have opportunities to assist the Farm Operations Manager with harvesting produce and/or other managers with their respective projects.


Organization Website: 


Job Function: Agriculture, Outdoor Education, Sustainability/ Social Responsibility


Key Responsibilities:

  • Assist Education Programs Manager with:
    • Planning, preparing for, and hosting educational activities (workshops, field trips, classroom visits, and our educational booth at the weekly farmers market)
      • Planning and prep will involve testing lesson plans, acquiring materials, preparing to address potential safety concerns, etc.
      • Hosting will involve running planned activities related to growing, cooking, and food systems education; entertaining people of all ages when there is “down time” with games and conversation; helping to keep groups of up to 40 people safe on the farm
    • Evaluating educational activities and improving them on an ongoing basis
    • Planting, building, maintaining, and harvesting from the learning garden
    • Meeting with potential workshop partners and teachers interested in field trips, as needed
  • Communicate regularly with Education Programs Manager regarding upcoming education programs and projects that you are working on individually
  • Complete independent projects such as creating an accessibility audit and designing educational signage for the farm 
  • Assist other TCF managers with their projects, as needed


Desired Characteristics: 


  • Fluency in Spanish
  • Experience and comfort with teaching others
  • Working knowledge of farming/ gardening, cooking, nutrition, environmental science and food systems
  • Strong work ethic
  • Friendly, enjoys working with people of all ages and abilities
  • Attention to detail
  • Good teamwork skills
  • Able to take initiative and self direct
  • Interested in learning about all sides of the organization
  • Interested in and committed to:
    • Advancing all forms of social justice, especially food justice (improving our food system so that everyone has access to healthy, affordable, culturally appropriate food regardless of economic status, race, religion, etc.)
    • Responsible environmental stewardship
    • Working with a diverse team to serve a multicultural community
  • Capable of lifting and carrying at least 50 lbs
  • Able to use basic tools such as a shovel and wheelbarrow
  • Prepared to work in a variety of weather conditions
  • Must be at least 18 years old at start of internship
  • Must be legally eligible to work in the United States
  • CPR, First Aid, and food handler’s certifications are helpful, but these can be completed before internship starts, if needed


Expected Intern Experience Outcomes: 


  • Enhanced knowledge of:
    • How to plan, prepare for, and host educational activities for people of all ages and abilities
    • How to create an accessible learning garden
    • Organic and regenerative growing practices
    • How to cook with seasonal produce
    • Social, environmental, and health-related food systems issues
    • Creative food systems solutions related to food access and distribution
    • Program/impact evaluation
    • The inner workings of nonprofit organizations


Other Opportunities Associated With this Job: 


  • Work with a small team of passionate nonprofit professionals
  • Work in a fun, energetic start-up environment
  • Meet other local players in the food movement by attending meetings, trainings, and other networking events (optional)
  • Leave the desk and computer behind to work with your hands in a beautiful, rural environment!


Anticipated Time Requirements: 5-15 hrs per week, including Saturday farmers market in October

Duration: October - mid December

Work Model: Hybrid

Pay Details: $16/hr. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we are able to host interns who need school credit and/or interns who secure payment through their schools.


If you are interested in this position, please complete this application form and send your resume to our Education Programs Manager, Bella Mounsey, at Thank you!

Listing Type
Education | Environmental | Nonprofit
Position Type
Part Time
Experience Level
Entry Level
Employer Type
Direct Employer
Salary Min
Salary Max
Salary Type

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